Monday, July 12, 2010

holiday capers

Spending time with good friends along the Murray River.

Falling in love with gorgeous handmade quilts at a friend's shack. Lauren's nana - your amazing!

Noticing things.

Being in awe of the sweetness and cleverness of kelpies at a friend's sheep and cattle farm.

Cuddling up to noisy (!) bossy lambs.

Spending nights and spare moments crocheting the Boy's 'man-sized' blanket. I'm trying out a crochet-together-as-you-go method which is going well but its getting tricky to turn all that heaviness.

Hoping your enjoying the Winter and keeping warm x


  1. Gorgeous pictures, that top pic looks a beautiful place to be. Your blanket looks fantastic!

  2. ooooh, and sitting under that blanket as you go along... in wintertime. grand!

  3. Lovely pics Trace! Nice to see a few from the river made it onto your blog! See you on your bday! xox
