Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Creative Space

The rainbow crochet blanket I started on Sunday is now 17 rows high. Blues, greens and yellows... Oh my!

At the risk of this turning into a medical discussion I am going to ask for some help. Possibly due to repeated stitches (trebles, trebles, trebles.. and yep... some more trebles) my fingers are getting cramped and irritated by the twisting of the metal hook against my skin - "crochet RSI" I fear.... Have you experienced this too? Did I just make this ailment up?

I have seen crochet hooks with a squishy grippy handle. Can anyone claim that they are better than metal hooks? I'd love your opinion. Thanks in advance x

For creative spaces without the whinge factor (hehe) head over to kootoyoo's abode :P

* There is still time to go in the draw to win my crocheted food over here. Drawn on Sunday!


  1. I bought a comfort grip hook at the S and C show last week and I have to hold the grip higher than I ususally do to use the padded bit so I'm still unsure. When I first started crocheting and sometimes now when I crochet a lot, I get a really sore thumb. I spoke to my pilates teacher and she gave me some strengthening exercises for it (sounds reiculous). Is that what you mean?

  2. I find the squishy grip hooks modify my grip so much that they are more trouble than they are worth. I find I just have to mix up my craft projects regularly to avoid all the assorted pains (crochet RSI, knitting RSI, embroidery RSI, neck pain from hunching over a sewing machine etc.)

  3. Your blanket is looking gorgeous, I was hoping to make the rainbow blanket my big project, yay! I hope your aches get better, so far it's mostly my back that causes me trouble from sitting badly as I crochet. Perhaps there are some finger & hand stretching excercises you can try, maybe?...

  4. It looks gorgeous. Can't say that I have done enough crochet of late to even warm my fingers up sadly so no advice here.

  5. Sorry, I can't think of a solution for you. I hope you persevere with it....sometimes I wrap my fingers around my coffee can craft without coffee!!!....the blanket looks good! :) Happy crafting, Jenny

  6. Personally I find anything that changes grip too takes the joy out of crocheting (I actually get cramps in my other hand from holding the yarn more than my hooking hand) I find I just take breaks, by the end of winter I can go for ages without cramping up, diferent story at the start though.... this week I've been combining binding with crochet since I get sore from both in different ways
    your blanket looks great btw.... must look into something like it for my next project

  7. Such yummy colours. It looks fantastic and is perhaps worth all the pain!?!

  8. That looks delicious. I think I'd like to do one of them ;) if I had someone to teach me, hint hint. Now that my Nana has passed away there wont be any knitted gifts anymore :( I'll have to take over her position of family knitter/crocheter

  9. LOVELY blanket!

    it could be carpal tunnel syndrome, if you have insurance, and have a doctor, go see him/her and ask for a nerve conduction test, to check for CTS. if it is just beginning, wearing braces when sleeping and when doing repetitious activities...crocheting, typing, driving, you should see improvement, and also taking anti inflammatory ibuprophen...

    hope it gets better :)

  10. Love the purple in the middle! You and Little Ted Canvas have inspired me to pick up a hook and make something...

  11. crating is a serious OH&S minefield. i am serious. I get terrible back and neck pain from hunching and have had surgery on my hand for osteoarthritis of my thumb joint essentially an RSI. i think the grippy hook is ok but not great. the best hooks ever are lightweight bamboo handles and light metal hook. available from i alsi think that frequent breaks are key.
    BTW i love your blanket a whole lot

  12. I like to get the bamboo handled hooks... The handles are a little larger and the bamboo seems to just feel so much better on my fingers... I can't crochet at all with just a plain metal hook..... I like the Susan Bates hooks and they are affordable... :) Happy Hooking!!!
